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  1. 17 de nov. de 2022 · + Buon Natale e Buon Anno: Una manera sencilla de desearle unas buenas navidades y un feliz Año Nuevo a alguien. + Buon Natale e spero che per te sia un bellissimo anno nuovo: Para los que les gustan las felicitaciones un poco más dedicadas. Esta dice: Feliz Navidad y espero que tengas un maravilloso Año Nuevo.

  2. 4 de oct. de 2022 · Ti Auguro Buon Natale. Ti auguro Buon Natale means ‘I wish you a Merry Christmas.’ If you want to say it to more people, use vi (plural for ‘you’) instead of ti: Vi auguro Buon Natale. Good to Know: If it’s written (like in a greeting card), you’ll often see it written with un: Ti auguro un Buon Natale or Vi auguro un ...

  3. 18 de dic. de 2020 · What is “Merry Christmas” in Italian? It’s Buon Natale! In Italian, buon means good, so the literal translation of the expression would be “Good Christmas”. This is the most common Italian Christmas greeting, but there are a few more ways to wish someone a good end of year holiday. How to Say Happy New Year in Italian ...

  4. 5 de oct. de 2021 · To wish someone a Merry Christmas in Italian, we say Buon Natale! Buon is the short form of the word ‘buono’ = good. This is a standard word we use in Italy for wishes and you may recognize it from other expressions such as Buon Compleanno ( Happy Birthday in Italian ) or Buon Anno (Happy New Year).

  5. 16 de nov. de 2023 · Buon Natale e Buon Anno Best Wishes. If you are going to say Buon Natale, likely, you’ll also wish the other person a Happy New Year.

  6. Traducciones. IT. ¡Buon Natale! [ejemplo] volume_up. ¡Buon Natale! volume_up. ¡Feliz Navidad! [ej.] more_vert. Tanti auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo. expand_more ¡ Feliz Navidad y Feliz Año Nuevo! IT. buon Natale {interjección}

  7. 26 de ago. de 2021 · 26 Aug, 2021. What does Buon Natale mean? When December 25th arrives, in Italy everyone starts wishing, from the cashier at the grocery store to your closest friends, a “ Buon Natale ". Directly translated, buon Natale means “ good Christmas ”. Meaning and history of the Italian word Ciao.