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  1. Hace 7 horas · I am attempting to create a sort of "soundboard" like application, but one of the primary features I require is monitoring the desktop audio and feeding it into my VB-Cable so I can play it through my microphone. I have been attempting some of my own solutions but all of them seem to lead to dead ends, and I am not sure how else to do it.

  2. Hace 7 horas · :(1) JavaScript의 template literal은 Go 언어의 fmt.Printf(), Python의 문자열 메서드 format()와 비슷하다.(2) 그림 1: Template literals sort of assemble the string using the pieces (of strings) given. It is one of the most used ES6 features. (3) 그림 2: You can actually use backticks(`) like single quotes (‘) and double quotes (“) without int...

  3. Hace 7 horas · sorted () 函数. sorted () 函数返回一个新的排序列表,而不会修改原始列表。. 语法如下:. pythonsorted (iterable, key=None, reverse=False) 其中:. iterable :要排序的可迭代对象,例如列表。. key :可选的排序键,它是一个用于比较元素的函数。. reverse :可选的布尔值,指示 ...

  4. Hace 7 horas · python glob sort 按照字符排序,#按照字符排序的Pythonglob模块在Python中,`glob`模块是用于查找文件路径名的模块,它支持使用通配符匹配文件名。有时候我们需要按照文件名的字符顺序进行排序,但是`glob.glob()`方法返回的文件列表默认是按照文件的创建时间进行排序的。

  5. Hace 1 día · 本文实例讲述了Python实现的归并排序算法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:归并排序是建立在归并操作上的一种有效的排序算法,该算法是采用分治法(Divide and Conquer)的一个非常典型的应用。将已有序的子序列合并,得到完全有序的序列;即先使每个子序列有序,再使子序列段间有序。