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  1. Hace 17 horas · 13. Las guerras de Lucas (Norma Editorial) del guionista Laurent Hopman y el ilustrador Renaud Roche plantean los primeros años de la vida del cineasta George Lucas. Esta biografía gráfica pretende hacer un homenaje merecido al ejemplar director de Star Wars y su trayectoria, como ya hizo el Festival de Cannes con la Palma de Oro.

  2. Hace 17 horas · En una reciente entrevista para Brut en el Festival de Cannes de 2024, George Lucas, el legendario creador de 'Star Wars', ha arremetido contra la industria cinematográfica, acusándola de una ...

  3. Hace 17 horas · George Lucas Kicked Pixar to the Curb Out of Selfishness. Back when the Paramount assignments came in, the 80-year-old producer was enmeshed in the lengthy process of a divorce and needed money for a settlement. So, Lucas decided to sacrifice the Lucasfilm Computer Division for wholly personal reasons.

  4. Hace 17 horas · E’ scomparso all’età di 94 anni l’attore francese Philippe Leroy, l’aristocratico prestato al cinema è morto a Roma dopo una lunga malattia.L’Italia era diventata la sua seconda casa, con la sua immagine legata all’interpretazione di Yanez de Gomera nello sceneggiato Sandokan (1976), Leonardo da Vinci in La vita di Leonardo da Vinci (1971), e co-protagonista con Rossana Podestà ...

  5. Hace 17 horas · Franziskus (Papst) Papst Franziskus ( lateinisch Franciscus PP.; bürgerlich Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ [ berˈgɔʎːo ]; * 17. Dezember 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentinien) ist seit dem 13. März 2013 der 266. Bischof von Rom und damit Papst, Oberhaupt der römisch-katholischen Kirche und Souverän des Vatikanstaats.

  6. Hace 17 horas · The recorded military history of Puerto Rico encompasses the period from the 16th century, when Spanish conquistadores battled native Taínos in the rebellion of 1511, to the present employment of Puerto Ricans in the United States Armed Forces in the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq.. Puerto Rico was part of the Spanish Empire for four centuries, during which the people of Puerto ...

  7. Hace 17 horas · At the same time, he and Jeanne Lucas performed as a duo for a two-season run at Julius Monk's Upstairs at the Downstairs club in New York. [23] By 1969, Manilow was signed by Columbia / CBS Music vice-president and recording artist, Tony Orlando , who went on to co-write with and produce Manilow and a group of studio musicians under the name "Featherbed" on the Columbia Pictures ' newly ...