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  1. Hace 12 horas · Robert Rollock, Regent (1583–1586) and first principal (1586–1599) of the University of Edinburgh. In 1557, Bishop Robert Reid of St Magnus Cathedral on Orkney made a will containing an endowment of 8,000 merks to build a college in Edinburgh. [19] Unusually for his time, Reid's vision included the teaching of rhetoric and poetry, alongside more traditional subjects such as philosophy. [19]

  2. Hace 12 horas · In Spain and some other parts of the Spanish-speaking world, Spanish is called not only español but also castellano (Castilian), the language from the Kingdom of Castile, contrasting it with other languages spoken in Spain such as Galician, Basque, Asturian, Catalan/Valencian, Aragonese, Occitan and other minor languages.. The Spanish Constitution of 1978 uses the term castellano to define ...