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  1. Hace 5 horas · From Pope St. Cyril of Alexandria and St. Cyril of Jerusalem. Editor’s note: to promote the observance of the traditional Corpus Christi Octave as a part of our Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation, we will publish each day the Patristic readings from the Octave, as contained in pre-55 breviaries.The following readings and responsories come from the Roman office as promulgated after Trent in 1570.

  2. Hace 5 horas · The promise here is inclusive; it’s available to “whoever” believes. Anyone can access this promise—not just a select few. Shall not perish but have eternal life: Here lies the core promise: eternal life. Belief in Jesus Christ means you will not face spiritual death but will have everlasting life. Understanding God’s Promises

  3. Hace 5 horas · When I gave the oral instruction, the needle in my left eye spun around in all directions. As it spun, a sharp pain like my eyes were being stirred ran through the back of my eyes, but it wasn't unbearable. The needle on the compass pointed towards Juju and stopped. "Yeah, it's working!"

  4. Hace 5 horas · And shall exalt for ever. Psalm 112 (113) Praise of the Lord's name. ... they are only sons of men. ... they will return to the ground; on that day perish all their plans. Happy the one whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, who made heaven and earth and all that is in them,

  5. Hace 5 horas · The reason many people fall when temptations come is that they were not prepared to suffer for Christ. You must be so determined to follow Christ that you literally say, “If I perish, I perish!” (Esther 4:16). When you do this, your strength will be great, and you will not faint in the day of adversity (Proverbs 24:10).

  6. Hace 5 horas · I still consulted with university colleagues, aligning the R&D roadmap in a mutually beneficial way. Many academics still mock the idea of “selling out” to corporate culture or see the transition as marking a failure. I see now how those qualms evaporate once one begins innovating at the vanguard of tangible progress for people.

  7. Hace 5 horas · If you have not already done so and you wish to have your child vaccinated at the upcoming Year 7 School Immunisation Clinic at St Peters Lutheran College on 23 July 2024, please complete the consent form attached. Please complete the consent form using pen and return the form by email at by the 14 June 2024.