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  1. Hace 11 horas · Washington (EFE).-. El exastronauta del Apollo 8 William Anders, que en 1968 tomó la icónica foto que muestra la Tierra elevándose sobre el horizonte de la Luna, murió este viernes a los 90 ...

  2. Hace 11 horas · El histórico astronauta William Bill Anders ha muerto a los 90 años, víctima de un accidente aéreo, cuando su avioneta se estrelló este viernes delante de la costa de San Juan Islands, un archipiélago que pertenece al estado de Washington.Anders ha dejado huella en su paso por la Tierra, por sus hazañas en el espacio. El astronauta norteamericano formó parte de la misión del Apolo 8 ...

  3. Hace 11 horas · The first story to address the logical paradoxes inherent in the concept of time travel. 1892. Golf in the Year 2000. J. McCullough. A man falls asleep in 1892 and wakes up in the year 2000. Trains are supersonic, and golf and politics are the only activities not yet dominated by masculinized women.

  4. Hace 11 horas · In the film and media industry, if a film released in theatres fails to break even by a large amount, it is considered a box-office bomb (or box-office flop), thus losing money for the distributor, studio, and/or production company that invested in it. Due to the secrecy surrounding costs and profit margins in the film industry, figures of losses are usually rough estimates at best, and there ...

  5. Hace 11 horas · Immerse yourself in the story of this miraculous and meticulous NASA mission! See the sample NASA plucked from the 4.5 billion-year-old asteroid Bennu and delivered to Earth in 2023. Space Center Houston is one of three locations on Earth where a Bennu sample is displayed for the public. LEARN MORE.