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  1. Hace 16 horas · Alcohol, sometimes referred to by the chemical name ethanol, is a depressant drug found in fermented beverages such as beer, wine, and distilled spirit — in particular, rectified spirit. Ethanol is colloquially referred to as "alcohol" because it is the most prevalent alcohol in alcoholic beverages. But technically all alcoholic beverages contain several types of psychoactive alcohols, that ...

  2. Hace 16 horas · Top sensation . Cine 34 alle 2 presenta invece l’erotico di grande culto “Top Sensation” di Ottavio Alessi con Edwige Fenech, Rosalba Neri, Eva Thulin, Maud de Bellereche, dove si sprecano le situazione lesbo fra le bellissime protagoniste.Di fatto è il film più spinto che abbia mai girato Edwige, anche se dubito che vedrete la celebre scena della capretta che venne censurata in tutto ...

  3. Hace 16 horas · Tutte le informazioni su Top Gun in onda su Italia 1. Pete Maverick Mitchell (Tom Cruise), pilota di caccia da combattimento, riesce a entrare, insieme al suo navigatore Nick Goose Bradshaw (Anthony Edwards, il dottor Greene di E.R. ), nell elitaria Scuola della Marina Usa, di stanza a Miramar.

  4. Hace 16 horas · Alton village. In the morning the coach departs from the "Staff Of Life" pub in Sutton-in-Ashfield at 9.17am and from the Bancroft Lane end of Stockwell Gate outside Asda in Mansfield at 9.30am .There are other pick up points en route. The coach fare is £12, accompanied juniors free. For further information please ring John on 07749164455 or ...

  5. Hace 16 horas · Dean Stockwell: John DiSanti Jessica Fletcher besucht am Broadway die Uraufführung des Stückes ‚Hauptsache Mord‘, das auf einem ihrer Romane beruht. Ihr ehemaliger Schüler Walter Knapt hat den Stoff für das Theater adaptiert. Für ihn steht viel auf dem Spiel. Alles hängt davon ab, ob das Stück ein Erfolg oder ein Misserfolg wird.

  6. Hace 6 horas · The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 350 open source projects, including runtimes, tools and frameworks.

  7. Hace 16 horas · John Spiller 'Hi James, this sunrise was a welcome sight today after the last two gloomy and wet days in Auckland. ... Donna Falconer - Brendan Ngawati - Cliff Stockwell - Chris Pullen 7 November 2015 - 13 November 2015 Jim Rankin - Gilbert van Reenen - Shirley McPherson - Dennis Hynes - Josefa Moynihan - Chris Pullen - Che Bullock