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  1. Hace 11 horas · John Dominic Crossan, who considers Secret Mark to be not only authentic but also the model of the canonical Gospel of Mark. Morton Smith summarized the situation in a 1982 article. He argued that "most scholars would attribute the letter to Clement" and that no strong argument against it had been presented.

  2. Hace 11 horas · New Testament scholar Dominic Crossan wonders aloud if the Nicene Creed called by Constantine was a “nightmare.” The “desert fathers” movement (beginning third century) and subsequent monastic movement (beginning fourth century) both resisted the dominant imperial values of the imperial culture before and after Constantine.

  3. Hace 11 horas · Nota importante: La versión original de este comentario se publicó el pasado 17 de marzo de 2024 como artículo exclusivo en los grupos de Reconstructores en WhatsApp —grupo que administro—, Miembros del grupo de WhatsApp de La Biblia en Contexto de la querida amiga Norma Lilia y el grupo de Facebook “Jesús Histórico”. Esta no es la versión original, sino más elaborada.

  4. Hace 11 horas · Today’s guest is Madamebibilophile, who blogs at Madame Bibi Liophile Recommends. Madame Bibi started blogging in 2012 when she had to take an unexpected year out of her English Lit degree (as a mature student). “I wanted a way to continue talking about books in the meantime, and I never thought I’d be here 12 years later!” she says.