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  1. Hace 17 horas · Nueva York, 9 jul (Prensa Latina) El actor estadounidense Willem Dafoe es oficialmente hoy el director artístico de la Bienal de Teatro de Venecia, nombramiento dado por su larga trayectoria en ...

  2. Hace 17 horas · ADVERTISEMENT. American actor Willem Dafoe has been appointed the Artistic Director of the Venice Biennale theatre department for 2025 and 2026. The appointment was confirmed by the chairman of ...

  3. Hace 17 horas · Willem Dafoe. L’attore americano Willem Dafoe è il Direttore artistico della Biennale Teatro di Venezia dal 2024 al 2024. Segue il percorso già iniziato da Stefano ricci e Gianni Forte, che ...

  4. Hace 17 horas · Willem Dafoe, who first gained Oscar recognition for his role in the 1986 war film Platoon, will oversee the theatre department for the 2025-2026 period. Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, head of the Biennale’s board of directors, praised Dafoe’s “perfect control of his body on stage,” attributing this to his discipline, knowledge, passion, and profound understanding of theatre.

  5. Hace 17 horas · “It is an honour to announce the appointment of Willem Dafoe as the director of Biennale Teatro,” stated Buttafuoco, adding, “Theatre is in fact the original home of his lustrous career. One of the founders of the legendary Wooster Group in 1977, the perfect control of his body on stage has always stemmed from discipline, knowledge, passion and a profound awareness of theatre.

  6. Hace 17 horas · Accanto al Wooster Group, Willem Dafoe collabora con registi che hanno segnato con il loro immaginario la scena internazionale. Richard Foreman, drammaturgo, regista e teorico della ricerca, noto anche alle scene europee e fondatore di un teatro “ontologico-isterico”, lo chiamerà per Miss Universal Happiness (1985) e The Idiot Savant (2009).

  7. Hace 17 horas · Willem Dafoe, que está casado con la cineasta italiana Giada Colagrande, es un actor con vocación experimental y opciones heterodoxas que comenzó su carrera artística desde sus días universitarios en Milwaukee, donde a los 19 años ingresó al Theatre X (1975-1977), una de las primeras formaciones de investigación teatral en Estados Unidos influenciada por Living y Grotowski, recordó la ...