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  1. Hace 6 horas · Stanley Cohen (Ph.D. 1949), co-winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering growth factors (proteins regulating cell growth) in human and animal tissue. Jerome Karle (Ph.D. 1944), co-winner of the 1985 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing direct methods for the determination of crystal structures.

  2. Hace 1 día · 5 semne că vei face diabet, chiar dacă nu te simți încă bolnav. Diabetul este una dintre cele mai parșive boli, deoarece se instalează treptat, iar semnele sunt vizibile destul de târziu. Această boală afectează grav organismul și nu se vindecă, ducând la complicații grave dacă nu este tratată.

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    Hace 6 horas · Duvall was attending junior college in Texas when Altman’s crew members, preparing to film “Brewster McCloud,” encountered her at a Houston party in 1970. They introduced the 20-year-old to the director, who cast her in “Brewster McCloud” and made her his protege.