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  1. The number of unfit prisoners reportedly reached over 700 by the end of November 1944. By the end of December 1944, over 300 prisoners had died in Husum-Schwesing. The Nordfriesian camp counted among the nearly 90 subcamps of KZ Neuengamme and reportedly existed from September 26, 1944, to December 29, 1944.

  2. Etymology Map of Kenya The origin of the term Mau Mau is uncertain. According to some members of Mau Mau, they never referred to themselves as such, instead preferring the military title Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA). Some publications, such as Fred Majdalany's State of Emergency: The Full Story of Mau Mau, claim it was an anagram of Uma Uma (which means "Get out! Get out!") and was a ...

  3. The Nazi racial state played a central role in the Holocaust (Mosse 1985), yet the precipitating “opportunities” offered by war have probably been the chief catalyst. Neither cultural homogenization nor war can be fully explained without taking into account the nationalist buildup which preceded World War I, particularly from 1870 (Franco-Prussian War and advent of the Troisième ...

  4. Boris Lurie (1924-2008)was born in Leningrad, Russia, and grew up in Riga, Latvia. At the age of sixteen, he was taken prisoner by the Nazis and imprisoned for a period of four years at Buchenwald and other concentration camps. After his liberation, Lurie remained in Germany for a year and worked for the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps.

  5. On the international stage, Switzerland is often hailed as a permanently neutral country, giving people an image of peace and justice. Its beautiful Alpine scenery, sophisticated watchmaking and strict bank secrecy...

  6. Similarly, the US-owned technology company, IBM, played a central role in the Nazi genocide by facilitating “the regime’s generation and tabulation of punch cards for national census data, military logistics, ghetto statistics, train traffic management, and concentration camp capacity” (Black 2012).

  7. In March – April 1933, an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 political foes were taken into “protective custody” (Schutzhaft) and imprisoned in concentration camps. The SA and SS routinely beat up and tortured political opponents and vandalized, looted, or destroyed leftist parties’ offices.