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  1. Hace 4 horas · Les ofrecemos las novedades de la semana entrante (novela, poesía, teatro, ensayo, historia…) del grupo Planeta (3-7 junio). La presentación de cada obra es la ofrecida por la propia editorial, sin ningún tipo de apreciación sobre ellas, salvo la elección de unos u otros títulos. Narrativa Erik Larson. En el jardín de las bestias.

  2. Hace 4 horas · The Indian Army during World War II, a British force also referred to as the British Indian Army, began the war, in 1939, numbering just under 200,000 men. By the end of the war, it had become the largest volunteer army in history, rising to over 2.5 million men in August 1945. Serving in divisions of infantry, armour and a fledgling airborne force, they fought on three continents in Africa ...

  3. Hace 4 horas · There were salmon spawning in Schneider, Indian and Percival Creeks and an estuarine environment that served salmon migrating to and from streams and rivers throughout Puget Sound. Years ago spawning events would have brought thousands of sand lance and surf smelt to Budd Inlet ’ s upper beaches.

  4. Hace 4 horas · 1931 – Sejm RP przyjął ustawę znoszącą wszystkie przywileje lub ograniczenia związane z pochodzeniem, narodowością, językiem, rasą lub religią sprzed 1918 roku. 1940 – Akcja T4: w dniach 13–15 marca zostało zamordowanych przez Niemców około 500 pacjentów szpitala psychiatrycznego w Łodzi. 1943 – Rozpoczęła się ...

  5. Hace 1 día · The 1918 New Year Honours were appointments by King George V to various orders and honours to reward and highlight good works by citizens of the British Empire. The appointments were published in The London Gazette and The Times in January, February and March 1918.. Unlike the 1917 New Year Honours, the 1918 honours included a long list of new knights bachelor and baronets, but again the list ...