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  1. It is a space for all those on the femme spectrum, including nonbinary femmes, trans femmes, trans women, cis women, and others. The sub is a safe and supportive space where we can discuss the BS hypnosis audio series, share experiences, and embrace the Bimbo lifestyle together.🌺 This is a femme-only space.

  2. Hace 5 horas · Studiul recent publicat în Microbiology Spectrum, condus de Dr. Tanya Decker de la Universitatea Stellenbosch, a investigat o nouă lipopeptidă antibacteriană, serrawettin W2-FL10, produsă de bacteriile Serratia marcescens.Această cercetare a demonstrat că lipopeptida este extrem de eficientă în uciderea Staphylococcus aureus, un patogen semnificativ asociat cu infecțiile dobândite ...

  3. Hace 5 horas · Soffri di carenza di vitamina D ma non sai cosa fare? Oggi la nostra FarmAmica Rossella ti fornirà tutti i consigli utili per risolvere ogni dubbio. #carenzavitaminaD #vitaminaD #consigliutili #farmacista #farmamica #farmacia #notizieit

  4. Hace 1 día · Elsewhere on the comp, rising Irish techno producers OliverTwisted and SMU serve up a duo of rave-licked bangers, crafted from kinetic beats and sizzling technoid drums, and Sydney-based Shake Daddy (aka Kyra Shaikh) showcases her latest sweaty, four-to-the-floor mix on ‘Feeling So’. Other featured artists include SMU, Kenneth Brigton ...

  5. Hace 5 horas · Jusqu’au 15/06, aux Ateliers Berthier-Odéon (75), Célie Pauthe et Claude Duparfait adaptent Oui, le roman de Thomas Bernard. Ils font leur miel du pessimisme actif de l’auteur autrichien. Ils se frottent aux affres d’un homme arraché au désespoir par la survenue d’une étrangère qu’il ne parviendra pas à sauver de l’abîme.

  6. Hace 5 horas · Chers amis, Amoxicilline, cortisone, antifongiques, paracétamol… Nous sommes nombreux à nous retrouver démunis face à la pénurie de médicaments qui sévit actuellement. L’Agence de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a recensé près de 5 000 signalements de rupture de stocks en 2023[1]. Du jamais vu depuis dix ans ! Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là et que pouvons-nous faire ? […]

  7. Hace 1 día · Sofia Danova (1879–1946), Bulgarian teacher and philanthropist, first Bulgarian woman to graduate in mathematics. Christine Darden (born 1942), American aeronautical engineer who researches sonic booms. Geraldine Claudette Darden (born 1936), one of the first African-American women to earn a PhD in mathematics.