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  1. Los Shoggoths son seres artificiales creados por los Antiguos. Físicamente tienen la apariencia de una masa de protoplasma, similar a una ameba, con ojos y burbujas creándose y desapareciendo en su superficie. Tienen un tamaño de 5 m de radio, y poseen una gran fuerza y resistencia, al igual que escasa inteligencia.

  2. Shoggoths are fictional creatures created by H. P. Lovecraft, first appearing in his novella At the Mountains of Madness (1936). They are depicted as amorphous, shapeshifting beings who were genetically engineered by the Elder Things as a race of servant-tools, but eventually rose up against their masters.

  3. Los shoggoths son unos esclavos creados por los Antiguos mediante complejas técnicas de ingeniería genética; se les relegaba a las funciones que requerían fuerza física, empleándolos, por tanto, como monstruosos mulos de carga.

  4. › wiki › ShoggothShoggoth - Wikipedia

    A typical shoggoth measures 15 feet across when a sphere, though the story mentions the existence of others of much greater size. Being amorphous, shoggoths can take on any shape needed, making them very versatile within aquatic environments.

  5. 29 de sept. de 2021 · Los Shoggoths son unos monstruos muy aterradores y misteriosos que aparecen en la serie de HBO de Lovecraft Country y en la mitología del maestro del horror cósmico Howard Phillips Lovecraft o ...

  6. Shoggoths (sometimes known as Shaggoths) are creatures which appear in H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Enormous beings who would measure some fifteen feet across if they formed their bodies into a sphere, Shoggoths are amorphous creatures composed of a malleable...

  7. Shoggoth Lords are an evolved variety of Shoggoth created by Michael Shea for his short story "Fat Face". They were later expanded on by Chaosium for their Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. In their true forms, Shoggoth Lords resemble most Shoggoths, but are both more intelligent and have the...