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  1. Hace 5 horas · CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Core": In Podfile: Firebase/Core (= 11.5.0) None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `Firebase/Core (= 11.5.0)`. You have ... Why do airplanes sometimes turn more than 180 degrees after takeoff?

  2. Hace 5 horas · Then I created a Firebase project and ran the following commands as specified by the Firebase console: dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli flutterfire configure --project=my-firebase-project flutter pub add firebase_core When I tried to run again in Android Studio, I got the following:

  3. They are peered and I can connect bidirectionally between them without trouble. I also have a v1.29.x GKE cluster in VPC2 that's using the new Private Service Connect stuff, with a separate /28 bit subnet used for the control plane. I'm unable to connect to it from any VM in VPC1 even though VPC1 and VPC2 are peered and otherwise able to connect.

  4. Hace 1 día · Two hundred and sixteen American soldiers were killed in the war in 1964. [120] 23,310 U.S. military personnel were in South Vietnam at the end of the year. [8] : 102 The South Vietnamese armed forces suffered 7,457 killed in action, about 30 percent more than the total killed in the previous year.