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  1. El ransomware es un tipo de malware que retiene como rehenes los datos confidenciales o el dispositivo de una víctima, amenazando con mantenerlos bloqueados, o algo peor, a menos que la víctima pague un rescate al atacante. Los primeros ataques de ransomware simplemente exigían un rescate a cambio de la clave de cifrado necesaria para ...

  2. El ransomware es un tipo de malware que retiene los datos o el dispositivo confidenciales de una víctima, amenazando con mantenerlos bloqueados, o peor, a menos que la víctima pague un rescate al atacante. Los primeros ataques de ransomware simplemente exigían un rescate a cambio de la clave de cifrado necesaria para recuperar el acceso a ...

  3. Ransomware is a type of malware that holds a victim’s sensitive data or device hostage, threatening to keep it locked—or worse—unless the victim pays a ransom to the attacker. The earliest ransomware attacks simply demanded a ransom in exchange for the encryption key needed to regain access to the affected data or use of the infected device.

  4. Search for decryption tools. Once you’ve identified the ransomware strain, consider looking for decryption tools. There are also free tools to help with this step, including sites like No More Ransom (link resides outside Simply plug in the name of the ransomware strain and search for the matching decryption.

  5. The ransom is the most precious of all gifts, for God made the greatest sacrifice ever in providing it. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son,” says John 3:16. The ransom is the most outstanding evidence of Jehovah’s love for us. It is also proof of Jesus’ love, for he willingly gave his life in our behalf.

  6. 9 The faith of many Christians has been sustained by the teaching of the ransom. They have kept on preaching despite opposition and have endured all sorts of trials right on into old age. Consider the example of the apostle John. He loyally preached the truth about Christ and the ransom, likely for more than 60 years.

  7. Ransom. A price paid to provide a release from captivity, punishment, suffering, sin, or even an obligation. The price was not always monetary. (Isa 43:3) A ransom was required in a number of different situations. For example, all firstborn boys or male animals in Israel belonged to Jehovah, and a ransom, or redemption price, needed to be paid ...

  8. Jesus’ sacrifice is the means by which God delivers, or saves, humankind from sin and death. The Bible refers to the shed blood of Jesus as a ransom price. (Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19) Thus, Jesus said that he came “to give his life a ransom for many.”. — Matthew 20:28, King James Version.

  9. First, a ransom is the price paid to release someone or to buy something back. Second, a ransom is the price that covers, or pays, the cost of something. 8 No human could pay for the enormous damage that Adam did when he sinned and brought death upon us. But Jehovah provided the way to free us from sin and death.

  10. The Mosaic Law stated this principle regarding a willful murderer: “You must take no ransom for the life of a murderer who is deserving to die.” (Numbers 35:31) Clearly, Adam and Eve deserved to die because they willingly and knowingly disobeyed God. They thereby gave up their prospect of everlasting life.

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