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  1. Hace 21 horas · 08 julio 2024 - 11:45. 4 minutos. Burkina Faso, Malí y Níger anunciaron el sábado la formación de una Confederación que refuerza la alianza entre estos tres países de África occidental ...

  2. Hace 21 horas · En la reciente reunión de Niamey, el líder de Burkina Faso, el capitán Ibrahim Traoré, reafirmó estas cuestiones y acusó a los países extranjeros de explotar a África. “Los occidentales consideran que les pertenecemos y que nuestra riqueza también les pertenece”, subrayó Traoré, en declaraciones recogidas por AP.

  3. Hace 21 horas · Traore denounced, “Claim of Independence granted to the African States in the 60s”, followed by the looting of Natural Resources and Terrorism. The President of Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traore participated in the first Conference of the Alliance of Sahel States (ESA) together with his counterparts from Mali, Colonel Assimi Goïta, and from Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani.

  4. Hace 21 horas · Speaking from the Nigerien capital, where the conference took place, Captain Ibrahim Traore, the leader of Burkina Faso, said the summit marked ‘a decisive step for the future of our common space’. He added, that together, they would consolidate the foundations of true independence, ...

  5. Hace 21 horas · His counterpart from Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, also lashed out at the ECOWAS leaders, calling them “salon slaves” chained to their Western masters, who rotate through the ...

  6. Hace 21 horas · O capitão Ibrahim Traoré comanda o país desde então, sem qualquer sinal de que a insurgência islâmica será controlada. O Níger, onde a ameaça extremista é menor, nem por isso ficou livre da onda antidemocrática e foi palco de um golpe de Estado em julho do ano passado, com Tchiani ascendendo ao poder.

  7. Hace 21 horas · During the meeting in Niamey, Burkina Faso's leader, Capt. Ibrahim Traoré, reiterated these concerns and accused foreign countries of exploiting Africa. “Westerners consider that we belong to them and our wealth also belongs to them. They think that they are the ones who must continue to tell us what is good for our states.