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  1. Hace 15 horas · *This list is incomplete, please help out and add more products. 1/48 Military miniatures series. Tamiya has found a niche market of 1/48 scale military miniatures, designed as a smaller alternative to the larger 1/35 kits. As the average Japanese house is smaller than those amongst other nations, smaller kits that can be neatly put into smaller kit boxes after assembly and stored away are ...

  2. Hace 15 horas · 柯南那台性能好像還滿不錯的。dizzy:欸,原來伏特加有車啊;Roystu:琴酒那台車在日本趴趴走 都沒警察敢攔他嗎;a126451026:安室的鋼彈呢(X;www115ui8:琴酒就是要炫耀他那台車才常常開;SunnyBrian:果然酒廠的品味都不差;Luvsic:滑板是最強的;MeiHS:這些車