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  1. Hace 1 día · Hi team, I’am trying to write a query that can return me the list items if they contain words from other list. python code … message = [‘/cxpslogs/powerBI ...

  2. Welcome to another r/learnPython weekly "Ask Anything* Monday" thread. Here you can ask all the questions that you wanted to ask but didn't feel like making a new thread. * It's primarily intended for simple questions but as long as it's about python it's allowed. If you have any suggestions or questions about this thread use the message the ...

  3. Hace 1 día · Now, add the weekday names for each row as a new column, named 'weekday'. Then, output the last 7 days data of the dataset. Do not set any index on the DataFrame. The given code converts the date column to datetime, so you do not need to change its format. Use the .dt.strftime ("%A") function on the date column to convert it into a weekday name.

  4. Hace 4 horas · Not Equal Operator in Python. The not equal operator is a relational or comparison operator that compares two or more values (operands). It returns either true or false depending on the result of the operation. If the values compared are equal, then a value of true is returned.

  5. Hace 4 horas · Entorno. Python 3.12.0; python-pptx 0.6.23; Código. Este código extrae todos los archivos de un archivo de PowerPoint determinado. Es necesario escribir la ruta del archivo en el código.

  6. Hace 5 horas · University of Madras introduces a new BSc (Blended) Science Degree Program that includes python programming along with basic sciences. Learn about the curriculum, specializations, and ...

  7. Hace 4 horas · 第1回 PythonでおもしろWebアプリを作ろう、標準語を関西弁っぽく変換 Pythonが広く利用されているジャンルに「Webアプリケーション」(Webアプリ)があります。第1回では入門者でも比較的簡単に使える「Flask」というフレームワークを使い、Webアプリ開発の基礎を学びましょう。

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