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  1. 9 de jul. de 2024 · This chapter is about how to branch within a program depending on the situation, for example, when processing user input. We will therefore look at Python’s version of the classic If-Else statement, which is used to execute alternative parts of the code depending on certain conditions, and how to make your program flow respond to events, such as user clicks on a graphical user interface.

  2. Hace 20 horas · Definition and purpose. An operating system is difficult to define, but has been called "the layer of software that manages a computer's resources for its users and their applications". Operating systems include the software that is always running, called a kernel—but can include other software as well. The two other types of programs that can run on a computer are system programs—which ...

  3. Hace 20 horas · Python中的if elif else结构通常如下:if cond1:a=1elif cond2:a=2else:a=3在特殊情况下,我们可能希望把这个条件语句写成一行,如(列表推导式中)。结论就是,将上述结构改为:非列表: 结果甲 if 条件甲 else 结果乙 if 条件乙 else 结果丙列表推导式: [结果甲 if 条件甲 else 结果乙 if 条件乙 else 结果丙 f...

  4. side2 = int (input ("enter the second side length:")) side3 = int (input ("enter the last side length:")) #pythagoreanTheorum = side1*2 + side22 == side3*2. if side1*2 + side22 == side3*2: print ("the triangle is a right triangle") elif side1*2 + side32 == side2*2: print ("the triangle is a right triangle") elif side2*2 + side33 == side1*2:

  5. › answer › 7gj3d6o6ihif..elseif - CSDN文库

    Hace 20 horas · 在编程中, if 、 else if (也称为 else elseif )是条件语句的一部分,主要用于控制程序流程。. 它们一起用于根据特定条件执行不同的代码块。. 这里是一个简单的例子:. # 如果 condition_1 为真,执行这里的代码. code_to_run_if_true_1. code_to_run_if_true_2. code_to_run_if_all_else ...

  6. Hace 20 horas · 答案: Python中的if函数是控制流语句的核心之一,它允许程序根据条件执行不同的代码块。. if函数在编程中是用来进行条件判断的,它能够根据表达式的真假来决定是否执行某个代码块。. Python中的if语句简洁明了,是编写逻辑判断不可或缺的工具。. 1. 基本语法 ...

  7. Hace 20 horas · 条件判断是编程中必不可少的一部分,它让程序可以根据不同的条件执行不同的代码块。在Python中,主要使用if、elif和else语句来实现条件判断。 基本语法 在Python中,条件判断的基本语法如下: if condition:# 当condition为True时…