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  1. Hace 9 horas · Durable Goods, James Pollock: Humans infuse objects with symbolism or utility, so Roland Barthes and his ilk first informed undergrad me. But there are no people to be found in Pollock’s little volume of poetry, only the secret identities of stuff, decanted with anthropologist’s scrutiny and artist’s delight.

  2. Hace 9 horas · Marie-Claire Bancquart (1932–2019) is the author of Every Minute Is First and more than thirty other collections of poetry and several novels.In her lifetime she was the recipient of numerous prizes, including the Prix Supervielle, the Prix Max Jacob, and the Prix Robert Ganzo.

  3. Hace 9 horas · The reedition of Gillian Rose's Love's Work; Sartre's Literary and Philosophical Essays; the Mélanges collections for Alexandre Koyré and Emile Benveniste; Algirdas Greimas, Of Gods and Men: Studies in Lithuanian Mythology; and Foucault's Nietzsche: Cours, conférences et travaux, edited by Bernard Harcourt. For how the collection by Sartre translates essays from the French Situations I…

  4. In the 1975 inter­view above with French jour­nal­ist Jean-Louis Ser­van-Schreiber—“Why I’m a Feminist”—De Beau­voir picks up the ideas of The Sec­ond Sex, which Ser­van-Schreiber calls as impor­tant an “ide­o­log­i­cal ref­er­ence” for fem­i­nists as Marx’s Cap­i­tal is for com­mu­nists. He asks De Beau­voir about one of her most quot­ed lines: “One ...

  5. Hace 9 horas · Artist: Evian Wenyi Zhang Exhibition title: Homecoming Venue: Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles, US Date: June 1 – July 13, 2024 Photography: ©Ruben Diaz / all images courtesy of the artist and Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles Chris Sharp Gallery is pleased to present the US-debut solo of the Chinese, Berlin-based artist Evian Wenyi Zhang.

  6. Hace 9 horas · Les actions de SINCHISUYU visent à renforcer 4 réseaux agroécologiques territoriaux (2 dans le Nariño, 1 dans le Putumayo et le réseau agroécologique Nariño RAN), 12 conseils territoriaux de planification CTP et 12 conseils territoriaux de la jeunesse CMJ, pour soutenir les processus participatifs de construction et de mise en oeuvre de politiques publiques de développement rural en ...

  7. Hace 9 horas · Countries named are where authors worked for long periods.; Subject codes: A (architecture), Aa (applied arts), Af (armed forces), Ag (agriculture), Ar (archaeology ...

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