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  1. 28 de abr. de 2018 · Waru Waru technology. Credit: irrigaciondelperu. Alipio Canahua, an agronomist working with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), says that the ancient agricultural system, which could date back 3,000 years, actually creates its own microclimate. “It captures water when there are droughts and drains away water when there’s too much ...

  2. Nevertheless, the cost per hectare of a phreatic raised-bed system for the cultivation of potatoes is estimated at $1 460 on the basis of the system created in Chatuma, Peru. Of this, 70% is direct cost and 30% is indirect cost. The production cost for 11.2 kg of potatoes using this technology in Chatuma was estimated at $480.

  3. › en › tecnologias-1Waru Waru

    The sediments in the channels have algae rich in nitrogen and remains of plants and animals, which are then used as a source of nutrients for crops, improving agricultural performance in the highland area. The waru waru are an ancient practice of the ancestors of the Tiahuanaco culture, which was located on the plateau between Bolivia and Peru ...

  4. › video › categoriaWaru Waru | Videoteca

    Waru Waru es el nombre que los pobladores del altiplano puneño le dan a una técnica agrícola muy antigua que les permite utilizar las extensas áreas inundables de la pampa. Elevando terreno a modo de grandes surcos logran mediante diques, canales y aliviadores crear condiciones favorables para la agricultura.

  5. 18 de ago. de 2013 · Los Waru Waru, son prácticas ancestrales de uso común en el altiplano, en áreas inundables o inundadas, que consisten en “jalar” tierra formando una plataforma o “cama” rodeada de agua, donde se realiza la siembra. Esta agua alrededor del waru waru crea un microclima que mitiga el efecto de las heladas, permitiendo el desarrollo de ...

  6. Warû is an Interior Architecture & Strategic Design agency focused on creating the nomadic experiences we seek within Hotels, Restaurants, Workplaces, Co-working & Co-living spaces. warû founders believe in the fundamental value of research, analytical thinking, strategic planning & brand understanding prior to starting the design process.

  7. 9 de feb. de 2024 · Se trata de los Waru Waru, una técnica del pasado, rescatada por agricultores del distrito de Acora, que sirve para proteger los cultivos de papa, quinua y otros granos andinos. En Puno el conocimiento ancestral viene al rescate de los áridos campos de cultivo que sufren por el déficit hídrico que afecta a la región.

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