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  1. Daniel’s reputation was established in 1738 with Hydrodynamica, in which he considered the properties of basic importance in fluid flow, particularly pressure, density, and velocity, and set forth their fundamental relationship.He put forward what is called Bernoulli’s principle, which states that the pressure in a fluid decreases as its velocity increases.

  2. 8 de feb. de 2012 · Daniel Bernoulli was the son of Johann Bernoulli. He was born in Groningen while his father held the chair of mathematics there. His older brother was Nicolaus ( II) Bernoulli and his uncle was Jacob Bernoulli so he was born into a family of leading mathematicians but also into a family where there was unfortunate rivalry, jealousy and bitterness.

  3. Síntesis biográfica Primeros años. Fue el segundo hijo de Johann Bernoulli, sobrino de Jacob Bernoulli dos investigadores que hicieron importantes aportes al primitivo desarrollo del cálculo.. En el año 1725, Daniel y su hermano Nicolás fueron invitados a trabajar en la Academia de Ciencias de San Petersburgo (en esa época, capital de Rusia) donde trabajó como profesor de matemática.

  4. Daniel Bernoulli s-a născut în Groningen, în Țările de Jos, într-o familie de matematicieni distinsă. [2] Familia lui Bernoulli a venit inițial din Anvers, la acel moment, în Țările de Jos de Sud, dar a imigrat pentru a scăpa de persecuția spaniolă (hughenoților).

  5. Daniel Bernoulli was born in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands on February 8, 1700. His parents were Johann Bernoulli and Dorothea Falkner. Mathematics was in their Blood. Daniel’s mother Dorothea Falkner came from a well-known and wealthy family in Basel, Switzerland. Daniel’s father Johann Bernoulli also came from Basel.

  6. Daniel Bernoulli (8. únor 1700, Groningen – 17. březen 1782, Basilej) byl v Nizozemí narozený švýcarský fyzik a matematik, zakladatel hydrodynamiky. Je jedním z členů rodiny významných švýcarských matematiků a fyziků , syn Johanna Bernoulliho .

  7. Daniel Bernoulli nőtlenül és gyermektelenül halt meg Bázelben 1782. március 17-én 82 éves korában. Kutatási területei A Hydrodynamica sive de viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii címlapja (1738) Legfontosabb eredménye a stacionárius áramlásra vonatkozó Bernoulli-egyenlet.

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