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  1. Andrew Jeremy Wakefield (born 3 September 1956) is a British fraudster, discredited academic, anti-vaccine activist, and former physician. He was struck off the medical register for his involvement in The Lancet MMR autism fraud , a 1998 study that fraudulently claimed a link between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism .

  2. 2 de mar. de 2023 · Se cumplen estos días los 25 años desde que, el 28 de febrero de 1998, Andrew Wakefield publicara en The Lancet su, ya tristemente famoso, estudio fraudulento que implicaba a la vacuna del sarampión (componente de la vacuna triple vírica) en el origen de trastornos neurológicos como el autismo. Y fue en 2010 cuando Lancet se retractó y ...

  3. 6 de ene. de 2011 · Authored by Andrew Wakefield and 12 others, the paper’s scientific limitations were clear when it appeared in 1998.2 3 As the ensuing vaccine scare took off, critics quickly pointed out that the paper was a small case series with no controls, linked three common conditions, and relied on parental recall and beliefs.4 Over the following decade, epidemiological studies consistently found no ...

  4. 6 de ene. de 2011 · When I broke the news to the father of child 11, at first he did not believe me. “Wakefield told us my son was the 13th child they saw,” he said, gazing for the first time at the now infamous research paper which linked a purported new syndrome with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.1 “There’s only 12 in this.” That paper was published in the Lancet on 28 February 1998.

  5. 28 de feb. de 2018 · February 28, 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of an infamous article by Andrew Wakefield, ... By the end, UK families had experienced more than 12,000 cases of measles, ...

  6. Il caso Wakefield fu un caso di frode basato su un articolo pubblicato nel febbraio del 1998 sulla rivista medica britannica The Lancet, firmato dal medico inglese Andrew Wakefield con altri 11 coautori, in cui veniva ipotizzata la correlazione fra il vaccino MPR e lo sviluppo di disturbi dello spettro autistico. La frode venne smascherata grazie a una lunga inchiesta del Sunday Times del ...

  7. 16 de sept. de 2019 · No dia 26 de fevereiro de 1998, o então médico Andrew Wakefield alegou um vínculo casual entre a vacina MMR (que protege contra o sarampo, rubéola e a caxumba) e o desenvolvimento de comportamento autista em algumas crianças. Andrew argumentou que 12 crianças apresentaram traços da patologia após se vacinarem.