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  1. › es › especiesProyecto Lirón

    Aunque de manera dispersa, esta especie habita en toda la península Ibérica, incluso en Baleares y Canarias. Su distribución está condicionada por la de la rata común, la cual es más resistente, fuerte y agresiva y suele desplazarla. [El mapa muestra los cuadrados UTM 10x10 donde se ha detectado la especie ya sea en estaciones de ...

  2. Description. Rattus' appearance in Series 6. Rattus Rattus is a smelly rat who has grey fur, a peach nose, ears, hands and feet and small arms and legs. He lives in a burrow inside a wall. From Series 6 onwards, he lives in the time sewers. Usually, he likes to do is dress up accordingly to the era of the sketch so can match up with the era.

  3. › gisd › speciesGISD

    Summary. A native of the Indian sub-continent, the ship rat (Rattus rattus) has now spread throughout the world. It is widespread in forest and woodlands as well as being able to live in and around buildings. It will feed on and damage almost any edible thing. The ship rat is most frequently identified with catastrophic declines of birds on ...

  4. Sort rotte (latin: Rattus rattus) er en gnaver, der også kendt som skibsrotte, husrotte, "pestrotte".Denne art var den oprindelige i Europa.Den er betydeligt mere specialiseret end den brune rotte, og den foretrækker en føde, der består af korn og kornprodukter. Den brune rotte, der kom hertil fra Indien med skibsfarten, er derimod opportunist og kan leve af nærmest alt, så den har ...

  5. Rattus norvegicus. La rata gris, rata parda, rata marrón, rata noruega, rata china, guarén o rata de alcantarilla ( Rattus norvegicus) es una especie de roedor miomorfo de la familia Muridae. 2 Es una de las ratas más conocidas y comunes; está ligada a las actividades humanas y gracias a ello ha colonizado todo el mundo desde sus orígenes ...

  6. The black rat (Rattus rattus), also known as the ship rat, roof rat, house rat, is a common long-tailed rodent of the genus Rattus (rats) in the subfamily Murinae. The species originated in tropical Asia and spread through the Near East in Roman times before reaching Europe by the 1st century and spreading with Europeans across the world.

  7. › gisd › speciesnameGISD

    Summary. A native of the Indian sub-continent, the ship rat (Rattus rattus) has now spread throughout the world. It is widespread in forest and woodlands as well as being able to live in and around buildings. It will feed on and damage almost any edible thing. The ship rat is most frequently identified with catastrophic declines of birds on ...

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