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  1. CPRE (cholangiopancréatographie rétrograde endoscopique) (tube mince et flexible muni d’une lumière) aux rayons X pour observer et traiter les maladies affectant les canaux biliaires et le canal pancréatique. Ces canaux (petits tubes) évacuent les liquides venant du pancréas, du foie et de la vésicule biliaire.

  2. La CPRE es un procedimiento endoscópico avanzado de diagnóstico utilizado para examinar el árbol biliar (la vesícula biliar, los conductos biliares y pancreáticos). La CPRE combina rayos X y endoscopia, lo que nos permite obtener imágenes de alta calidad de la anatomía de los conductos. Este procedimiento se utiliza para identificar ...

  3. About IREB. IREB, the International Requirements Engineering Board - a non-profit organization - is the provider of the CPRE (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering) certification scheme. The Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering represents a carefully elaborated three level certification concept.

  4. CPRE est l’abréviation de … Cholangio-. Pancréatographie. Rétrograde. Endoscopique Qu’est-ce que le cathétérisme bilio-pancréatique ? La cholangiopancréatographie rétrograde endoscopique ou CPRE, est une technique endoscopique qui est utilisée pour examiner et traiter les situations pathologiques de l’arbre biliaire, des canaux pancréatiques, et de la vésicule biliaire.

  5. The north would benefit most from new hedgerows, our research reveals. Learn more about Ethel and why she was such a vital countryside campaigner. We are CPRE, the countryside charity. Learn how we're working for a beautiful, thriving countryside for everyone - and how to get involved.

  6. › wiki › CPRECPRE - Wikipedia

    CPRE, The Countryside Charity, formerly known by names such as the Council for the Preservation of Rural England and the Campaign to Protect Rural England, is a charity in England with over 40,000 members and supporters. Formed in 1926 by Patrick Abercrombie to limit urban sprawl and ribbon development, the CPRE claims to be one of the longest running environmental groups in the UK.

  7. Exames. A colangiopancreatografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) é uma técnica que utiliza simultaneamente a endoscopia digestiva (procedimento que consiste na utilização de tubos flexíveis que permitem a visualização de imagens do tubo digestivo em monitores de televisão) e a imagem fluoroscópica (que permite diagnosticar e tratar ...

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