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  1. The national flag of Colombia symbolizes that Colombia gained its independence from Spain on 20 July 1810. It is a horizontal tricolor of yellow, blue and red. The yellow stripe takes up a half of the flag and the blue and red take up a quarter of the space each.

  2. La bandera de Colombia está basada en la composición cromática creada en 1801 por el general venezolano Francisco de Miranda, precursor de la independencia latinoamericana, quien ondeó por primera vez un pabellón compuesto por los colores primarios, en su segunda expedición proveniente de Nueva York, el 12 de marzo de 1806 en ...

  3. horizontally striped yellow-blue-red national flag. Its width-to-length ratio is 2 to 3. Local opposition to Spanish rule in what is now Colombia began on July 20, 1810, at Bogotá. Rebellion soon spread to Cartagena, the Cauca valley, and Antioquia.

  4. The National Flag of Colombia features three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double-width), blue, and red; the country uses Colombian peso as its national currency; and its national anthem is "Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia".

  5. The Colombian flag consists of three horizontal stripes - yellow, red, and blue one, where the yellow one is wider compared to the other stripes. The flag should express the unity of the Colombian population which has experienced many difficulties over time.

  6. Flag of Colombia. The Colombian flag was defined in 1934 by the Decrees 861 of 1934, expedited by the Government of Colombia during the presidencies of General Pedro Nel Ospina and Enrique Olaya Herrera .

  7. Flag of Colombia. The current flag of Colombia, adopted in 1861. The Colombian flag features a distinct horizontal tricolor design. It comprises three bands: yellow at the top covering half of the flag’s width, and blue and red occupying the remaining space in equal measure.

  8. Definición de la bandera colombiana. La bandera de Colombia es uno de los símbolos patrios más importantes del país. Está compuesta por tres franjas horizontales de igual tamaño: la superior es de color amarillo, la central es azul y la inferior es de color rojo.

  9. The Colombian flag has a tricolor design with yellow, blue, and red stripes. The yellow color symbolizes wealth and harmony, the blue color represents the sky and the ocean, and the red color represents the blood shed in the struggle for independence.

  10. Entre todos construimos el significado de la bandera de Colombia. Rememorar una fecha tan importante para nuestro país como el 20 de julio de 1810, en 2020 será un honor. Pues este año, todos seremos protagonistas de uno de los símbolos patrios de Colombia.

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