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  1. 塞德里克·迪戈里(1977~1995),男,英国作家j.k.罗琳创作的小说《哈利·波特》系列中的角色,来自霍格沃茨赫奇帕奇学院的一位学生,他比哈利高两个年级,比哈利大近三岁(他17岁时,六年级,哈利14岁,四年级),是一个充满理智、具有才华、有着优雅的风度的男孩。

  2. Exactly. You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and... mull things over in the hot water.Cedric Diggory. Cedric Diggory is a supporting character in the Harry Potter series. He is one of the two Hogwarts Triwizard champions, the other being Harry Potter. He is portrayed by the stuntman Joe Livermore in Harry Potter and the ...

  3. 31 de ene. de 2018 · He could’ve even adorned himself in ‘Support Cedric Diggory/Potter Stinks’ badges. Even Cedric’s dad, Amos Diggory, stirred rivalry between the pair from the moment he first met Harry, ribbing him on his son beating him at a Quidditch match. Cedric’s embarrassed reaction, however, made us realise that the lad had humility.

  4. Cedrico Diggory (setembro/outubro de 1977–24 de junho de 1995) foi um bruxo britânico filho de Amos Diggory. Ele começou a frequentar a Escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts em 1989, sendo classificado para a Casa Lufa-Lufa. Durante seu tempo escolar, Cedrico foi monitor e capitão do time de sua casa, tal como apanhador. Em seu sexto ano, ele apresentou seu nome para competir no Torneio ...

  5. Amos Diggory: "My son, Cedric, you do remember Cedric, don't you?" — Amos expressing his frustration towards Harry Potter regarding Cedric's death. Amos Diggory with Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. By 2020, Amos was living at St Oswald's Home for Old Witches and Wizards.

  6. Cedric Diggory är en fiktiv karaktär i J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter-serie.Cedric är en av huvudkaraktärerna i den fjärde boken, Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren, eftersom han representerar Hogwarts i den Magiska trekampen tillsammans med Harry Potter.Cedric mördas av Peter Pettigrew på Lord Voldemorts order under Voldemorts uppståndelse i Little Hangleton.

  7. Clemens Ostermann Robert Pattinson Der gut aussehende Cedric Diggory (* September/Oktober 1977 - † 24. Juni 1995) ist zwei Jahrgangsklassen über Harry in Hogwarts. Ungewöhnlich für einen Schüler des Hauses Hufflepuff ist der große und schweigsame Cedric ein beeindruckend guter Schüler. In seinem…

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