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  1. Designed and constructed between 1887 and 1889, the Auditorium Building housed a theater, offices, and hotel. Its exterior was designed in the Romanesque-style popularized by Henry Hobson Richardson. The heavy, rusticated stone of the building’s exterior contrasts with the delicate, botanical ornament found on its interior where mosaics, plaster reliefs, and leaded glass create an array of ...

  2. 26 de jun. de 2008 · This tripartite combination of social, financial, and artistic components generated, along with civic pride, the impulse behind Chicago's Auditorium Building (1889– ). Architects Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan typically are credited by historians with its design, which would be true if the building could be considered as distinct from its social and artistic context.

  3. THE AUDITORIUM BUILDING Michigan Avenue and Congress Parkway Chicago, Illinois Date of Completion: 1889 Architects: Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan Landmark Site: Part of Original Lot 5 and Original Lots 6, 7, 8, ~. and 10 in Block 9 in Fractional Section 15, Township 39 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian.

  4. O Auditorium Building, localizado na cidade de Chicago, nos Estados Unidos, foi o maior arranha-céu do mundo no ano de 1889 perdendo o título no ano seguinte para o New York World Building. Desenhado por Dankmar Adler e Louis Sullivan, o edifício de 106 metros de altura continua erguido na número 430 da Avenida Michigan (Sul) em Chicago.

  5. 26 de jun. de 2008 · This tripartite combination of social, financial, and artistic components generated, along with civic pride, the impulse behind Chicago's Auditorium Building (1889– ). Architects Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan typically are credited by historians with its design, which would be true if the building could be considered as distinct from its social and artistic context.

  6. The idea for the Auditorium Theatre began with a Chicago businessman named Ferdinand Wythe Peck. He was dedicated to improving the city of Chicago, and after the Haymarket Square riot in 1886, he began plans for a structure he called the Auditorium Building. This structure included not only a theatre, but also an office block and a hotel.Peck ...

  7. Auditorium Building – budynek w Chicago zaprojektowany przez Louisa H. Sullivana i Dankmara Adlera i oddany do użytku w 1889 roku. W XIX wieku budynek był najbardziej znanym na świecie budynkiem w Chicago, stanowił również symbol odbudowy miasta po wielkim pożarze w 1871 roku oraz jego bogactwa, kulturalnych aspiracji i kreatywności [1] .