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  1. Author. marlon. Baby Blue, que em tradução significa Bebê azul é mais uma das lendas urbanas que se origina depois de uma suposta mãe ter matado o próprio filho. Neste caso, uma mãe psicótica teria matado seu bebê com um pedaço de espelho quebrado. Ninguém saberia o verdadeiro nome da criança, e foi a partir daí que ganhou esse nome.

  2. Of course, very few of us actually knew what Blue Baby was, so she had to explain it. Apparently, it was a horror game, based off some pretty sick story. In the legend, a woman murdered her new born, blue-eyed baby because she was having some wacked out visions.

  3. A song of anger and revenge, reverberating against the walls of the house, the surrounding forest, and everything else. The mere sight made Mandoo’s hair stand up. Even the moonlight, leaking through the gaping holes between birds, couldn’t compete against the dark glow of the blue jay’s eyes.

  4. I got angry at the baby, and at my ears. I really didn't mean it. I was just really annoyed, I didn't wanna hear. Ok, I was annoyed. He wouldn't shut up, my dear. I gave him a toy. But I can still hear. So I slowly got more mad. Until I couldn't bear to hear. I just sat there, and covered my ears. Just waiting, As my madness went up a tier, Just waiting, Wanting to disappear, I wanted to ...

  5. The Blue Baby, Baby Blue es una leyenda urbana donde en una ocasión, un grupo de amigas decidió jugarla. Ellas no creían que iba a funcionar, por lo que enviaron a su amiga Laura al baño para intentarlo. Laura, mientras estaba sola en el baño apagó las luces y cerró la puerta. Ella puso los brazos según las instrucciones y empezó a ...

  6. 9 de ene. de 2019 · Hola tiktakers, bienvenidos a un nuevo miércoles de terror. Hoy os vamos a hablar de un terrorífico juego al que no os deberíais atrever a jugar, Baby Blue C...

  7. 24 de feb. de 2019 · ¡SUSCRÍBETE! →¡BIENVENIDOS a KatieAngelTV! ♡¡NUEVOS VIDEOS TODAS LAS SEMANAS! Entérate más de la Leyenda de Baby Blue:Baby...