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  1. 9 de ago. de 2023 · Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the son of William and Ruth (Haskins) Emerson; his father was a clergyman, as many of his male ancestors had been.

  2. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1846) Inschrift mit einem Zitat von Ralph Waldo Emerson an der Wand des Hunter College in New York. Ralph Waldo Emerson (* 25.Mai 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts; † 27. April 1882 in Concord, Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Philosoph und Schriftsteller.. In seinen zahlreichen Vorträgen, Schriften und Gedichten betonte Emerson in vielfältiger Form seine Forderung ...

  3. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Boston, 1803-Concord, 1882) Poeta y filósofo estadounidense. Maestro por Harvard y pastor unitario (1829), renunció al sacerdocio en 1832, tras perder a su esposa, aunque conservó el espíritu de su secta, que negaba la Trinidad. En Europa conoció a Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth y Thomas Carlyle y se ...

  4. 29 de may. de 2020 · Ralph Waldo Emerson fue un célebre escritor y filósofo estadounidense, nacido en la conocida ciudad de Boston, Massachussets, durante el año 1803.. Siendo el líder del movimiento llamado “trascendentalismo”, Waldo Emerson puede ser considerado como uno de los filósofos más interesantes que vivieron durante el siglo XIX.Durante su carrera como filósofo escribió abundante prosa y ...

  5. Ralph Waldo Emerson—a New England preacher, essayist, lecturer, poet, and philosopher—was one of the most influential writers and thinkers of the 19th century in the United States. Emerson was also the first major American literary and intellectual figure to widely explore, write seriously about, and seek to broaden the domestic audience for classical Asian and Middle Eastern works.

  6. Ralph Waldo Emerson (Boston, 25 maggio 1803 – Concord, 27 aprile 1882) è stato un filosofo, scrittore, saggista e poeta statunitense. Fu la figura più influente del movimento trascendentalista americano del XIX secolo e ispiratore del pragmatismo ; è considerato un campione dell' individualismo e un critico preveggente delle pressioni al conformismo che la società esercita sulle persone.

  7. 1 de nov. de 2020 · Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803- April 27, 1882) was an American essayist, poet, and philosopher. Emerson is known as one of the leaders of the transcendentalist movement, which reached its height in mid-19th century New England. With its emphasis on the dignity of the individual, equality, hard work, and respect for nature, Emerson's work ...

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