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  1. 30 de mar. de 2023 · Bill Lawrence has lost count of how many episodes of television he’s made at this point. There were 145 episodes of Spin City, he tallies, and another 182 of Scrubs.Before he co-created Ted ...

  2. For over forty years, Bill Lawrence has published numerous articles on the subject of guitar design, been granted numerous patents, and worked with some of the most respected companies in the guitar industry, including Framus, Gibson, and Fender which included his extensive series of pickups used in the prestigious and highly acclaimed American Deluxe Series of guitars and basses from 2004 ...

  3. Leben. Bill Lawrence wurde 1968 in Ridgefield, Connecticut geboren, wo er auch den größten Teil seiner Kindheit verbrachte. 1990 absolvierte Lawrence sein Studium kreatives Schreiben am „College of William and Mary“ in Williamsburg mit dem Ziel einer Karriere als Schriftsteller.Lawrence zog nach Kalifornien und begann Drehbücher zu verfassen, um seinen Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten.

  4. Bill Lawrence, all'anagrafe William Van Duzer Lawrence IV (Ridgefield, 26 dicembre 1968), è uno sceneggiatore, regista e produttore televisivo statunitense Biografia. Lawrence ha lavorato come scrittore per celebri serie televisive come Crescere, che fatica!, La tata ...

  5. Bill Lawrence (né William Van Duzer Lawrence le 26 décembre 1968 [1] à Ridgefield, États-Unis) est un scénariste, réalisateur et producteur de télévision américain. Il est notamment le créateur des séries Scrubs, Spin City et Cougar Town.

  6. 28 de nov. de 2019 · Bill Lawrence(ビル・ローレンス)は世界で初めてリプレイスメント用ピックアップを開発、販売したメーカー。創業者のビル・ローレンス氏が若かりしラリー・ディマジオ氏やケント・アームストロング氏に製作法を伝授したという話は有名です。

  7. Bill Lawrence 【中古楽器セール!】BT2M-100 'MAD CAT【1990'sUSED】【プリンス!】 【当店限定,下取り20%PU!】~珍しいモデルも続々入荷! クロサワ楽器 お茶の水駅前店 【買取/下取情報】 【買取・販売】クロサワ楽器お茶の水中古楽器センター【総合買取窓口:03-3292-7148】