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  1. 28 de sept. de 2022 · René Thom belongs to a line of preeminent mathematicians who were thoroughly engaged in philosophy. After a brilliant but short career in mathematics culminating in the Fields medal, he devoted himself to philosophy, in the context of a return to the ideas of Aristotle, the philosopher of nature, of whom he considered himself a heir.

  2. René Thom. Matemático francés. Trabajó en el campo de la topología, en el que introdujo el concepto de «cobordismo».Destaca especialmente por el desarrollo de la teoría de las catástrofes. En 1958 fue galardonado con la medalla Fields.Es considerado de los más grandes matemáticos del siglo XX, uno de los principales fundadores de una rama entera de las matemáticas modernas que ha ...

  3. Natu- ral philosophy, from his point of view, included physics, embryology, optics, hydrodynamics, biology, linguistics, ethology, semantics, psychoanalysis and other fields. With his philosophical broad program, Thom was continuously an in- triguing figure for linguists, psychoanalysts, biologists and philosophers of. Date: August 12, 2022.

  4. › wiki › René_ThomRené Thom - Wikipedia

    René Thom è fra coloro che hanno recato i maggiori contributi alla topologia differenziale, ma è noto in particolare per la teoria delle catastrofi, con la quale ha cercato di applicare la matematica ai fenomeni naturali.In particolare, la teoria studia i modelli matematici di fenomeni discontinui causati dalla continua variazione dei parametri da cui dipendono.

  5. 9 de sept. de 2023 · In May 1940, as Germany invaded France, 16-year-old René Thom was finishing high school in Montbeliard, his hometown. Six years later — having completed his degree at the prestigious École normale supérieure, where he had been rejected on his first attempt to enter — he was pursuing a PhD in mathematics at the University of Strasbourg, where he met various members of the Bourbaki group ...

  6. An Elaboration and Application of René Thom's theory, Benjamin, Ámsterdam, 1982… En lengua castellana se ha ocupado de la obra de René Thom, Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz. Una aplicación de la teoría de las catástrofes a la lingüística puede encontrarse en su obra Lenguaje e Intuición Espacial, Instituto Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante, 1996

  7. 7 de jul. de 2017 · René Thom’s proposals, often grouped under the name of ″catastrophe theory″, were sometimes controversial but elicited considerable interest from outside the scient­ific community. He spent the rest of his scientific life studying theoretical biology and, even more importantly, Aristotelian philosophy.