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  1. Billy Pilgrim is the unlikeliest of antiwar heroes. An unpopular and complacent weakling even before the war (he prefers sinking to swimming), he becomes a joke as a soldier. He trains as a chaplain’s assistant, a duty that earns him disgust from his peers.

  2. Matadero cinco o La cruzada de los niños es una novela satírica escrita por el autor estadounidense Kurt Vonnegut acerca de las experiencias y memorias de un soldado llamado Billy Pilgrim durante el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ha sido reconocida como la principal obra de Vonnegut.

  3. Billy Pilgrim: A fatalistic optometrist ensconced in a dull, safe marriage in Ilium, New York. During World War II, he was held as a prisoner-of-war in Dresden and survived the firebombing, experiences which had a lasting effect on his post-war life.

  4. Billy Pilgrim (often stylized billy pilgrim) is an American folk rock duo based in Atlanta, Georgia, composed of Andrew Hyra and Kristian Bush. The band's name was taken from the time-traveling antihero of Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five.

  5. Slaughterhouse-Five Full Book Summary. Note: Billy Pilgrim, the novel’s protagonist, has become “unstuck in time.”. He travels between periods of his life, unable to control which period he lands in. As a result, the narrative is not chronological or linear. Instead, it jumps back and forth in time and place.

  6. The novel’s protagonist, Billy Pilgrim is an optometrist and former chaplains assistant in the US Army who has “come unstuck in time,” meaning he can travel between moments in his life.

  7. It combines historical fiction, science fiction, autobiography, and satire in an account of the life of Billy Pilgrim, a barbers son turned draftee turned optometrist turned alien abductee. As Vonnegut had, Billy experiences the destruction of Dresden as a POW.