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  1. 25 de jul. de 2023 · The bacteria Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax. The bacteria is a small aerobic or facultatively-anaerobic, gram-positive or gram-variable, encapsulated, spore-forming rod. The organism produces toxins which are important for clinical virulence. It grows well on blood agar resulting in large, irregular-shaped colonies. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word "anthrakis," meaning black ...

  2. Anthrax is a disease caused by the spore-forming bacteria Bacillus anthracis. The name of the bacteria derives from the Greek word for coal, because of the ulcers with dark centres that develop on the skin of affected people. Anthrax occurs on all the continents and commonly causes high mortality, primarily in domestic and wild herbivores as ...

  3. 17 de jun. de 2023 · Anthrax (pronounced “AN-thraks”) is an infectious disease caused by exposure to Bacillus anthracis bacteria. The bacteria are dormant, or inactive, in soil. Disease from anthrax mostly affects animals that graze on land that has the bacteria and is extremely rare in the United States. People can become infected through inhaled bacteria ...

  4. Anthrax, an often fatal disease of animals, is transmitted to humans by contact with infected animals or their products. In humans, infection is typically acquired through the skin. Inhalation infection is less common; oropharyngeal, meningeal, and gastrointestinal infections are rare. For inhalation and gastrointestinal infections, nonspecific ...

  5. Carbunclo y ántrax. [ editar datos en Wikidata] El carbunco, también conocido como ántrax maligno o erróneamente, ántrax, por influencia del inglés — anthrax — nota 1 es una enfermedad contagiosa, aguda y grave, que puede afectar a todos los homeotermos y entre ellos al ser humano, causada por la bacteria Bacillus anthracis, un bacilo ...

  6. 8 de mar. de 2024 · Anthrax. Anthrax is a rare disease caused by bacteria that produce spores and can be transmitted from animals to humans. People contract the disease from the spores, which can survive in the environment for decades. Anthrax disease can present in different forms including. Skin anthrax, which is the most common and least severe form (accounting ...

  7. 2 de dic. de 2020 · Los humanos pueden contraer ántrax a través del contacto con animales, lana, carne o cuero infectados. Hay tres formas en que las personas se infectan con ántrax. Estas son: Cutánea, que afecta la piel. Las personas con cortaduras o heridas abiertas pueden adquirirla si tocan las bacterias. Por inhalación, que afecta los pulmones.

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