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  1. Harald Bohr blev student fra Gammelholms Skole 1904, mag.scient. 1909 og dr.phil. 1910 (De Dirichletske Rækkers Teori). I 1910 tildelte Carlsbergfondet ham et stipendium til studieophold hos Edmund Landau ved Göttingen Universitet. [2] Han blev docent ved Københavns Universitet og blev professor i matematik ved Den polytekniske Læreanstalt ...

  2. Harald Bohr was the younger brother of the renowned Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr. Like his brother, he excelled in mathematics and science and school and became a well-known mathematician in his own right. He worked in the field of mathematical analysis, especially in almost periodic functions, and spent time studying under the ...

  3. Harald Bohr is the 141st most popular mathematician (up from 152nd in 2019), the 102nd most popular biography from Denmark (up from 108th in 2019) and the most popular Danish Mathematician. Harald Bohr is most famous for his work on atomic theory. He was the first to propose that electrons orbit the nucleus in quantized orbits.

  4. Harald August Bohr (born April 22, 1887, Copenhagen, Den.—died Jan. 22, 1951, Copenhagen) was a Danish mathematician who devised a theory that concerned generalizations of functions with periodic properties, the theory of almost periodic functions. The brother of the noted physicist Niels Bohr, he became professor at the Polytechnic Institute ...

  5. Harald August Bohr (22. dubna 1887, Kodaň — 22. ledna 1951, Gentofte) byl dánský matematik, mladší bratr Nielse Bohra. Byl také držitelem stříbrné medaile z olympijských her . [1]

  6. › wiki › Harald_BohrHarald Bohr - Wikipedia

    Harald August Bohr (n. 22 aprilie 1887, Copenhaga, Danemarca – d. 22 ianuarie 1951, Hellerup ⁠(d), Copenhagen Country ⁠(d), Danemarca) a fost un matematician danez.Fratele său a fost celebrul fizician Niels Bohr.. A fost profesor la Universitatea din Copenhaga.. Este cunoscut prin lucrările sale din domeniul teoriei funcțiilor și teoria numerelor.. În legătură cu cercetările sale ...

  7. 26 de ago. de 2013 · Harald Bohr (izda) con su hermano Niels (dcha) Pero casi antes de destacar como matemático Harald Bohr lo hizo como futbolista. Jugó en el equipo Akademisk Boldklub de Dinamarca, en el que debutó en 1903 a la edad de 16 años, y donde coincidió con su hermano Niels. Pero posiblemente el mayor logro futbolístico de Harald Bohr fue la ...