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  1. Inspiration: Turath by Spirit Of Dubai. The illustrious city of Dubai is brilliantly captured in an enchanting composition by The Spirit of Dubai called Turath. It tells of tales recounting the consumption of Qahwa, which is a fermented coffee beverage enjoyed throughout the region. Palm trees and camels also make up t

  2. التراث العمراني. Urban Heritage Preservation Projects. المنتدى الثقافي. Al-Turath Cultural Forum. Seminars. Exbations. الإعلام. Series of Films Al Turath Heroes in The World. Media Newsletter.

  3. 10-Stimulating general interest in heritage through specific initiatives, in order to spread knowledge, and develop heritage awareness and encourage preservation. AI-Turath Philanthropy Foundation has worked – for years – to motivate those who have an interest in heritage, AI-Turath works for itself, as well as for the benefit of specialized bodies, whether governmental or private.

  4. Turath Egypt: The Egyptian Heritage Co., Cairo, Egypt. 9,298 likes. Online Shop. Handmade gifts made by Egyptian artisans. Support a village, weave...

  5. Turâth Éditions. Turâth Éditions est une maison d’édition francophone ayant pour objectif de faire découvrir l’héritage et le patrimoine islamique par la parution d’ouvrages divers : de la traduction d’œuvres maîtresses en passant par des livres plus contemporains et aux sujets divers et variés. Par notre modeste structure ...

  6. Meet Turath Family . All. Conservation & Adaptive Reuse. Conservation Management Planning, Regulation & Guidelines, ... Development of Conservation Management Plans for 6 Heritage & Archaeological Sites and a Holistic Heritage Tourism Vision for the Whole Island in Sir Bani Yas Island, UAE. Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) - Abu Dhabi ...

  7. Al-Turath University (Arabic: جامعة التراث) is a private Iraqi university and the oldest of such type in Iraq. Established in 1988 in the Mansour district of Baghdad, The name al-turath (التراث) means "heritage" or "tradition". Establishment of the University