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  1. 7 de feb. de 2022 · Like cowboys, wagon trains and buffalo, tumbleweeds are icons of the Old West. These twisted balls of dead foliage rolling across deserts and the open range are staples of Western movies and the ...

  2. タンブルウィード(英: tumbleweed )、回転草とは、夏の終わりごろに枯れてちぎれて、風に吹かれながら他の枯れ草と密集し続ける事で球状になり、尚も風に吹かれて転がり続ける乾燥地帯の植物のことである 。 概説

  3. 6 de may. de 2018 · The structure that looks like a dried-out flower is a seed. As tumbleweeds tumble, their seeds fall off at a distance from each other. This gives each one sunlight and space to grow. Photo By Josh ...

  4. Tumbleweed, wind witch and Russian cactus are among the many common names for the Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) – though it isn't a thistle or a cactus at all and is instead part of the Amaranth family.This plant is an icon of the Old West, featured in movies, song lyrics and more, however, its representation in media may be somewhat misleading.

  5. Salsola tragus, often known by its synonym Kali tragus is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae.It is known by various common names such as prickly Russian thistle, windwitch, or common saltwort.It is widely known simply as tumbleweed because, in many regions of the United States, it is the most common and most conspicuous plant species that produces tumbleweeds.

  6. Un virevoltant 1 ou tumbleweed (herbe qui roule en anglais) est, chez certaines plantes, la partie hors du sol qui, une fois mûre et sèche, se sépare de l' appareil végétatif souterrain (le plus souvent le système racinaire) avant de rouler sur le sol au gré du vent, ce qui constitue un cas de migration d’une espèce végétale et de ...

  7. Tumbling tumbleweeds in Minecraft! Description. Tumbleweeds spawn around dead bushes in deserts and drop random goodies upon harvesting.

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