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  1. 『ウォーターシップ・ダウンのうさぎたち』(Watership Down)は、イギリスの作家リチャード・アダムスによる児童文学である。 1973年にカーネギー賞とガーディアン賞をダブル受賞した。 日本では1975年に神宮輝夫訳で評論社から発行されている。 なお、2006年には新訳版が発行され ...

  2. 1 de nov. de 1972 · Watership Down (Watership Down #1), Richard Adams Watership Down is a survival and adventure novel by British author Richard Adams, published in 1972. Set in southern England, around Hampshire, the story features a small group of rabbits.

  3. Watership Down is a 1978 British animated adventure-drama film, written, produced and directed by Martin Rosen and based on the 1972 novel by Richard Adams. It was financed by a consortium of British financial institutions and was distributed by Cinema International Corporation in the United Kingdom. Released on 19 October 1978, the film was an immediate success and it became the sixth-most ...

  4. Der Watership Down, aufgenommen aus nordöstlicher Richtung (März 2004) Unten am Fluss (englischer Originaltitel: Watership Down) ist ein im Jahr 1972 erschienener Roman von Richard Adams.Der namengebende Hügel Watership Down, im Norden von Hampshire gelegen, stellt einen der zentralen Handlungsorte der Geschichte dar. Auch alle anderen Schauplätze existierten zumindest zur Zeit der ...

  5. Les Garennes de Watership Down ou Watership Down [1] (titre original : Watership Down) est le premier roman de l'auteur britannique Richard George Adams. Évoquant des thèmes épiques, ce récit de fantasy animalière à l'univers complexe raconte les aventures d'un groupe de lapins qui tentent d'échapper à la destruction de leur garenne et cherchent un nouvel endroit où s'établir.

  6. Watership Down is a CGI-animated adventure fantasy drama television miniseries directed by Noam Murro. It is based on the 1972 novel of the same name by Richard Adams and adapted by Tom Bidwell. It was released on 22 December 2018 in the United Kingdom and internationally on Netflix the next day. ...

  7. 1 de nov. de 2005 · Watership Down has become a modern classic and won both the Carnegie Medal and the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize in 1972. Others of his books include Shardik, Maia, Tales from Watership Down, The Girl in a Swing and The Plague Dogs, the last two of which, together with Watership Down, have been filmed.

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