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  1. This is Graduate Oxford The University has an international reputation for world-leading research, teaching and resources, and combine this with a beautiful and historic city, it is alive with activity, attracting students from all over the world.

  2. La Universidad de Oxford es la más antigua del mundo angloparlante. No hay una fecha segura de su fundación, pero la enseñanza ya existía en Oxford de alguna manera en 1096 y desde 1167 se desarrolló rápidamente, cuando Enrique II de Inglaterra prohibió a los estudiantes ingleses asistir a la Universidad de París. En 1188, el historiador Gerald of Wales, hizo una lectura pública en la ...

  3. Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in the English-speaking world.

  4. In February 2023, the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) invited leading academics to pitch ideas for a future inquiry to the panel members. The winning entry came from Oxford University academics Associate Professor Radhika Khosla (Smith School of Enterprise and Environment) and Doctor Nicole Miranda (Oxford Martin School and Department of Engineering Science), based on their research as ...

  5. La Universidad de Oxford ha conservado el primer puesto por sexto año consecutivo en la clasificación mundial de universidades THE 2024, según Times Higher Education (THE). Más de 25.000 estudiantes asisten a esta institución altamente selectiva.

  6. Oxford's Department for Continuing Education is also one of the oldest providers of part-time adult education, having been founded in 1878 at the forefront of the University Extension movement. Stay informed. Sign up to our newsletter to stay informed of upcoming events, ...

  7. Unistats information. Discover Uni course data provides applicants with Unistats statistics about undergraduate life at Oxford for a particular undergraduate course.. Please select 'see course data' to view the full Unistats data for Medicine. Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

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