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  1. Yonsei was the university of my choice because I felt it was more globally friendly toward international students compared to other universities in Korea. Additionally, with Underwood International College (UIC) offering lectures conducted entirely in English, I didn’t have to worry about mastering Korean to cope with classes.”

  2. 延世大学(Yonsei University)位于韩国首尔,是一所以基督教精神建立的综合类研究型大学,与首尔大学(Seoul National University)和高丽大学(Korea University)并称为韩国大学的一片天(S.K.Y.),是韩国公认最著名的三所大学之一,为环太平洋大学联盟、东亚研究型大学协会、亚洲校园成员。

  3. 2020.01 - 2021.03President, Council for Graduate Medical Training, Korean Ministry of Health. 2020.07 - 2022.06Board Member, Korean Cancer Association. 2022.11 - 2023.11President, Korean Surgical Society. 2022.05 - PresentPresident, Korean Hospital Association. Profile and welcoming remarks of the President of Yonsei University in Seoul, South ...

  4. ヨンセデハッキョ. 英語 表記:. Yonsei University. テンプレートを表示. 延世大学校 (ヨンセだいがっこう、 英称: Yonsei University )は、 ソウル特別市 西大門区 延世路50に本部を置く 大韓民国 の 私立大学 である。. 1885年 に設置された。. 大学の略称 は 延世大 ...

  5. Explore rankings data for Yonsei University (Seoul campus) All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score.

  6. Yonsei University Graduate School. The Graduate School consists of 79 departments and 23 interdisciplinary programs across a wide spectrum of academic fields. International students may apply through the international student track or the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) track.

  7. Yonsei University (Seoul campus) Yonsei University started life in the late 1800s, and founded by Horace Grant Underwood, a Christian missionary. It had many identities before becoming Yonhi University in 1946, taking on its current name in the late 1950s. Nowadays, Yonsei is regarded as South Korea’s top private university. It is one member of ‘SKY’ universities, a term for the three ...

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