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  1. 国务院里灯光亮至深夜。. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供bottom的中文意思,bottom的用法讲解,bottom的读音,bottom的同义词,bottom的反义词,bottom的例句等英语服务。.

  2. bottomとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 〔the ~〕(垂直方向に見て)物の底(解説的語義)下部,底面,(川・湖・海などの)底,(容器の)底,裏側( 内面・外面を問わない),(ページなどの)下部;(木の)根元,(山の)ふもと≪of≫(⇔top);C《海事》船底,(喫水下の)船殻部分,(船荷を ...

  3. Synonyms bottom bottom base foundation foot These are all words for the lowest part of something. bottom [usually sing.] the lowest part of something:. Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page. I waited for them at the bottom of the hill. base [usually sing.] the lowest part of something, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands:

  4. your bottom lip ; the bottom line/row/edge; on the bottom left/right of the page; in the bottom corner of the screen; on the bottom shelf; Their house is at the bottom end of Bury Road (= the end furthest from where you enter the road). Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. to go up a hill in bottom gear; She was sitting on the bottom step.

  5. Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages. bottom noun. /'bɒtəm/ 1. (base, of hill, slope) podnóże (neuter) (of page, ladder) dół (masculine) at the bottom of something u podnóża czegoś [mountain] u dołu czegoś [page, ladder] 2. (in body of water) dno (neuter) (ground) grunt (masculine) to sink or go to the ...

  6. bottom 〗 . Sign at the bottom, please. 下 に署名してください。 〖 bottom 《 of 〜 》〗 《 〜の 》 Please write your name at the bottom of this paper. この紙の 下 のほうにあなたの名前を書いてください。 Read the bottom of the page. ページの 下 を呼んでごらん。

  7. › es › docsbottom - CSS | MDN

    El efecto de la propiedad bottom depende de cómo esté posicionado el elemento (es decir, del valor de la propiedad position):. Cuando position se establece como absolute o fixed, la propiedad bottom especifica la distancia entre el borde exterior del margen inferior del elemento y el borde exterior del relleno inferior del bloque contenedor.; Cuando position se establece en relative, la ...

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