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  1. Zweigliedriger Name. Spitznamen & Kosenamen. Bill / Billylein. Billy im Liedtitel oder Songtext Billy Lee & Mamie K. (Daniel Welbat) Billy get your ... Billy-Ray Sanguine (Figur aus der Buchreihe "Skulduggery Pleasant") Mein Freund heisst Billy. Freundin | am 25.07.2022 um 01:38 Uhr.

  2. Billy recalled, 'All of a sudden I had energy to get up off the floor and start doing things.'” 23 Sep, 2015 Maisie Skidmore/Billy Name The Independent

  3. Billy的中文譯名為比利,有美麗、堅強的意志、守護者的意思,屬中性名字,源自英式英語,既可用作男生名字,同時亦可用作女生名字,這個名字雖然屬中性,但較常用作男生名字。Billy的發音為bil-ee(下方可聆聽真人發音),在《NameChef熱門名字排行榜》中排名前500,在《2019美國嬰兒名字排行榜 ...

  4. Billy Name (born February 22, 1940, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA – died July 18, 2016) was an American photographer, filmmaker, and lighting designer.

  5. Billy Name: Inside Warhol’s Silver Factory presents nine works by Billy Name, born William George Linich, who donated his artwork and ephemera to the Art Center after displaying them here in 1989. Name grew up in Poughkeepsie, later moving to New York City, then California, before returning to Poughkeepsie permanently in 1977.

  6. Warhol Superstar Billy Name was born on February 22, 1940, as William Linich. Name met Warhol in 1959 at the restaurant where he worked called Serendipity 3. Warhol and Name began spending a lot of time together, so much so that it became something of a relationship. It was Name who inspired the iconic silver interior of The Factory.

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