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  1. Define conditional sentence: the definition of conditional sentence is a sentence type that expresses a condition and the outcome of the condition. In summary, a conditional sentence: usually begins with “if”. includes a dependent and independent clause. comes in different forms including zero, first, second, and third.

  2. Para construirlo, se usa la estructura siguiente: If + sujeto + verbo en presente simple, sujeto + verbo en present simple. Como lo puedes ver, los verbos de ambas cláusulas van en presente simple. Ejemplos: If you fall, you get hurt. (Si te caes, te lastimas.) If you walk under the rain, you get wet.

  3. 19 de dic. de 2020 · 在英文文法中有一種語句叫做條件句(Conditional Sentence),這種英文語法其實跟中文的【如果[情況],就會[結果]】差不多,可是因為英文的條件句會出現不同的時態(Tense),所以有些人會覺得這種英文語句很複雜,今天我們就來看一下 "If"的用法。

  4. 1 de may. de 2024 · 1. Zero Conditional (General Truths): Used for real situations that always happen, or are generally true. For example, “If water boils, it turns into steam.” Click here to read more about Zero Conditional Click here to figure out how to make questions in Zero Conditionaland here for Zero Conditional Negative Sentences. 2.

  5. Conditionals are if clauses: they express a situation or condition and its possible result. They are made up of two clauses; the conditional clause and the main clause. The former usually starts with the word if and sets out a condition, while the latter expresses what happens when this condition is fulfilled. The main clause usually contains a ...

  6. 19 de jul. de 2015 · Existen dos tipos de mixed conditionals (condicionales mixtos), que plantean situaciones imposibles porque la condición o el resultado radican en el pasado: Mixed conditional. Condición. Ejemplo. Third conditional + second conditional. Condición hipotética en el pasado con resultado hipotético en el presente.

  7. Conditional Sentences. Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis. Ejemplo If I win the lottery, I ____ (buy) a new car. 1 de 8 If we spoke better English, we ____ (move) to the United States. 2 de 8 If it ____ (rain), we should go to the movies.

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