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  1. 21 de feb. de 2021 · Liu and Y. Liu (2021) examine the life of Zeng Guofan, who became famous for suppressing the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), thus saving the Qing Dynasty from collapse (for a few more years).

  2. Zeng Guofan. Zeng Guofan 曾国藩 (Shuangfeng- Xiangxiang 26 de novembre de 1811 - Nanjing 12 de març de 1872 ), [1] polític, militar i escriptor xinès de finals de la Dinastia Qing. Va ser un dels principals responsables de la repressió de la rebel·lió dels Taiping i un dels membres impulsors del moviment d'auto-enfortiment .

  3. 1 de dic. de 2013 · (Based on different themes, this book selects and edits part of letters home of Zeng Guofan, whose contents are extensive and vivid reflections to Zeng Golan's philosophy to its official career, military leading, household management and scholarly research, showing the lifelong pursuit of Zeng Guofan for "self cultivation, family harmony, country management and world peace".

  4. 28 de dic. de 2020 · Among the Zeng family’s descendants, nearly 200 people received higher education, and there are as many as 240 people with prestige. Thanks to Zeng Guofan’s wise decision, the family accumulated virtue instead of wealth, and when viewed in this light, remains prosperous to this day. Translated by Joseph Wu and edited by Helen

  5. Zeng Guofan. Zeng Guofan wurde am 21. November 1811 in Hunan als Sohn einer Familie niedrigen Adels geboren. Er absolvierte 1833 das Präfektur-, ein Jahr später das Provinz- und 1838 das Hauptstadtexamen. An der renommierten Hanlin-Akademie machte sich Zeng Guofan als Experte für Fragen des Rituals und der Etikette einen Namen.

  6. Zeng Guofan was a major statesman with foresight and vision in the late Qing dynasty. He trekked from a remote village to the capital for the Imperial Exam, then upon passing it, stayed for 10 years as a high-level official. When the Taiping Rebellion broke out, Zeng formed a special militia in his hometown, helped the emperor pacify the insurgents and was granted the title of First Class ...