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  1. What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born. Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own ...

  2. 26 de ago. de 2020 · Castle Swimmer est une série de Wendy Lian Martin disponible sur la plateforme Webtoons de Naver, qui met en scène deux personnages, Siren et Kappa, liés l’un à l’autre par une prophétie. Kappa est « le Phare », celui envoyé par Dieu pour accomplir toutes les prédictions de tous les peuples marins ; Siren est le prince des requins ...

  3. What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born. Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own ...

  4. Que se passe-t-il si votre vie entière est dictée par une prophétie - un futur prédit par des personnes que vous n'avez jamais rencontrées et qui sont mortes bien avant votre naissance. C'est l'histoire de deux jeunes créatures de l'océan. L'un croyait être une lumière de guide pour son peuple, un Beacon qui mènerait tout le monde à un futur brillant et prospère. L'autre est un ...

  5. What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born. Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own ...

  6. What happens when your entire life is ruled by a prophecy – your future foretold by people you’ve never met, who died long before you were born. Such is the story of two young sea creatures. One believed to be a guiding light for his people, a Beacon who will lead them to a bright, prosperous future. The other is a teenage prince for who’s destiny is to KILL the Beacon so that HIS own ...

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