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  1. Howard was the highest paid actor on Iron Man, with Downey getting very litle due to his high risk. Howard was just coming off of an Oscar win and was in high demand. In the early days of Marvel Studios, they had a lot of issues with keeping the talent happy. They had issues with Norton, Rourke, Howard, Weaving, and others.

  2. Only a few months after Iron Man hit theaters, Marvel announced that Howard wouldn’t return for the film’s upcoming sequel. And in 2010, it was Don Cheadle who fulfilled the character’s ...

  3. Don Cheadle clarifies how Iron Man 2 recast Terrence Howard's Rhodey/War Machine with him. Howard was part of the original Iron Man cast, alongside Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow.But while his co-stars continued to be an integral part of the MCU throughout the Infinity Saga, Marvel Studios quietly replaced Howard with Cheadle as Tony Stark's trusted best friend in Iron Man 2.

  4. 15 de nov. de 2013 · Depuis des années, la rumeur court que Terrence Howard aurait été viré de la saga Iron Man pour avoir été trop gourmand. Celui interprétait Jim Rhodes dans le premier volet a tenu à ...

  5. 6 de mar. de 2013 · "Iron Man" may be on the verge of releasing its third installment in theaters, but not everybody's a fan of the franchise. Terrence Howard, who portrayed Col. James Rhodes in the original 2008 ...

  6. Terrence Howard był pierwszym aktorem, który dołączył do obsady filmu Iron Man, czyniąc go pierwszym aktorem w historii Marvel Cinematic Universe. Terrence Howard nie powtórzył swojej roli w Iron Man 2 z powodu sporu z Marvel Studios. Według Howarda, na drugim filmie chciał zarobić 8 milionów dolarów, ale został poinformowany ...

  7. Terrence Howard helped build the Iron Man franchise, not in the sense that he played a character whose name I remember, but in the sense that he was in the first movie. But when Iron Man 2 rolled up two years later, Howard was gone and Don Cheadle was there, evidently playing the same guy, one Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes, only with a different face.