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  1. Table Of Content. ZZ EE CC HH AA RR II AA SITCHIN THE END OF DAYS ARMAGEDDON AND PROPHECIES OF THE RETURN TThhee 77tthh aanndd CCoonncclluuddiinngg BBooookk ooff TThhee EEaarrtthh CChhrroo nniicclleess Dedicated to my brother Dr. Amnon Sitchin, whose aerospace expertise was invaluable at all times CONTENTS Preface: The Past, The Future v 1.

  2. 25 de mar. de 2008 · In The End of Days, Sitchin solves ancient enigmas, dechipers the original meaning of religious symbols, analyzes scientific calculations, explores Messianic expectation, and bridges the links between history and prophecy—between the 21st century, A.D. and the 21st century B.C.—to present a startling vision of what is to come for us all.

  3. In this new volume, Sitchin shows that the End is anchored in the events of the Beginning, and once you learn of this Beginning, it is possible to foretell the Future. In The End of Days, a masterwork that required thirty years of additional research, Sitchin presents compelling new evidence that the Past is the Future-that mankind and its planet Earth are subject to a predetermined cyclical ...

  4. 23 de jun. de 2019 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  5. The answer to the first question is yes; there are clues that need to be heeded, and the prophecies of the Return need to be fulfilled. The answer to the second question has preoccupied Mankind ever since the watershed events in Jerusalem more than two thousand years ago. But the question is not only “if” and “when.”.

  6. 12 de ene. de 2012 · The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return

  7. In The End of Days, Sitchin solves ancient enigmas, dechipers the original meaning of religious symbols, analyzes scientific calculations, explores Messianic expectation, and bridges the links between history and prophecy—between the 21st century, A.D. and the 21st century B.C.—to present a startling vision of what is to come for us all.