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  1. Holmgang (en Nórdico antiguo e islandés moderno: hólmganga; en sueco: holmgång) era una forma de duelo practicado en la Era vikinga y principios de la Edad Media escandinava. Era una forma aceptada socialmente de resolver disputas.

  2. › wiki › HolmgangHolmgang - Wikipedia

    Holmgang (Old Norse: holmganga, Icelandic: hólmganga, Danish and Norwegian: holmgang, Swedish: holmgång) is a duel practiced by early medieval Scandinavians. It was a legally recognized way to settle disputes.

  3. Los vikingos tenían su propia versión de la ordalía, y se llamaba holmgang o holmganga. Se solía emplear cuando había un problema o una denuncia entre dos individuos. La holmgang consistía en un duelo a muerte, en un combate singular entre el ofendido y el ofensor.

  4. 25 de nov. de 2022 · Holmgang var i nordisk mellomalder ein tvikamp som blei utkjempa på ein «holme», det vil seia ei verkeleg øy eller ein avgrensa plass. Utgangspunktet for tvikampen var typisk at den eine parten utfordra den andre til holmgang.

  5. 15 de abr. de 2022 · The Viking Holmgang was a duel between two people, deciding a dispute between them, their family or their local community. It could in some rare cases also b...

  6. The duel of honor would remain a part of Scandinavian society, however in the West Norse areas (Norway and Iceland) a new form of duel evolved, known as hólmgang. While the einvigi persisted to some extent side-by-side with hólmgang, in Iceland especially einvigi became more and more rare. (At times in the later literature the two terms have ...

  7. 20 de ago. de 2021 · In Viking law, the Holmgang was used to settle disputes through fierce combat, and to the victor go the spoils! Throughout their history, the Vikings were known as ferocious fighters, seafarers, raiders, and traders.