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  1. William Harvey (1578-1657) An Anatomical Study on the Motion of the Heart and the Blood in Animals. William Harvey received his B.A. from Cambridge, where he studied with John Caius, once a pupil of Vesalius. Like Caius before him, Harvey chose Padua for his medical education, and after completing his degree in 1602, he returned to England to ...

  2. William Harvey was an English doctor who was born in 1578. He studied at the University of Padua in Italy, where Andreas Vesalius had carried out his dissections close dissection The action of ...

  3. William Harvey y los inicios de la ciencia médica moderna . William Harvey and the beginnings of modern medical science . Alfredo de Micheli ª * ª Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, México, D.F., México * Correspondencia y solicitud de sobretiros: Juan Badiano No.1 Col. Sección XVI C.P. 14080, México, D.F.

  4. Natalicio de William Harvey. William Harvey (1 de abril de 1578-3 de junio de 1657) fue un médico inglés a quien se le atribuye describir correctamente, por primera vez, la circulación y las propiedades de la sangre al ser distribuida por todo el cuerpo a través del bombeo del corazón. Este descubrimiento confirmó las ideas de René ...

  5. William Harvey (Figura 1) nació el 1 de abril de 1578 en Folkestone, condado de Kent (al sudeste de Londres). En 1593 inició los estudios de Humanidades en el Caius College de Cambridge, y en 1599 comenzó sus estudios médicos en la Universidad de Padua, que era el centro más importante para estudiar medicina desde los tiempos de Vesalio.

  6. As the story is often told, William Harvey (1578-1657), the English physician who discovered the circulation of the blood, single-handedly dismantled ancient medicine and ushered in a new era of modern medicine. It is as though he appeared out of thin air, centuries ahead of his time, to set biomedical research on its rightful path. 1.

  7. › wiki › William_HarveyWilliam Harvey - Vikipedi

    William Harvey (1 Nisan 1578, Folkestone - 3 Haziran 1657, Londra), İngiliz tıp doktorudur. Kalbin dolaşımını ve işlevini keşfetti. Modern fizyoloji biliminin öncülerindendir. 1593 yılında girdiği Cambridge Üniversitesi'ndeki Gonville and Caius College'dan 1597 yılında Bachelor of Arts diplomasıyla mezun oldu.

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